Thursday, May 25, 2006

Packing List

1. One medium size bag for personal items. One rolling carry on or back pack.

2. Pack all medicines, undergarments, and two changes of clothes in your carry on luggage.

3. Do not pack anything on your carry on bags that would be a security issue.

4. Do not over pack. You will need to move your luggage a lot. Strive for 44 pounds or less.

5. Make sure you luggage is upright and on wheels. Everything should function well, but the bag does not have to be brand new.

6. Do not bring 110V electrical devices unless you have the correct converter. Even then you will need the proper adapter.

7. Try gallon and 2 gallon size ziplock bags or air tight to make the most of your space. Do not purchase ones that a vacuum is necessary.

8. All liquids and powders should be in ziplock bags.

9. You need to be packed by August 8th

Suggested items to pack
(you may coordinate with your roommate)

• Addresses of friends and relatives
• Airplane tickets (I’ll give you them day of travel)
• Alarm clock (battery or wind up)
• Back Pack
• Plastic shopping bags (strong with handles)
• Bible
• Books/reading material
• Bottled water (one to begin trip and place in backpack)
• Camera (single use work great)
• Clothes (think easy to layer/easy to pack/won’t wrinkle/comfortable/culturally appropriate)
• Clothes fresher (small bottle febreeze)
• Converter/adapter
• Ear plugs
• Family photo album—Small
• Flashlight – small
• Food for snacks (peanut butter, beef jerky, trail mix, granola bars, crackers, dried fruit, protein bars, etc.)
• Gifts for translators and missionaries (postcards, small picture frames, t-shirts/hats, small tokens)
• Hair dryer /curling iron
• Itinerary (this will be copied into your small journal)
• Laundry detergent (small amount in snack size ziplock or small bottle)
• Medicines or Health Needs:
o Antibiotics
o Aspirin/Cold/Pain Medicine
o Band-aids, ointment, vitamins, cold/sinus medication, Kaopectate, etc.
o Eyeglasses (extra), contacts, contact solution, sunglasses
o Mylanta or Pepto bismol
o Prescription Medicine must have YOUR name on it.
o antibiotic ointment
o chapstick
o Sunscreen
o Mosquito/bug repellant

• Mirror (small hand held or on a base)
• Sleep mask
• Map of Country (small one)
• Money belt, pouch, and/or fanny pack)
• Money – US Currency (Clean, new bills in small denominations $5, 10, 20)
• Notepad and Pen/Pencil (This will be the small journal)
• Phrasebook (small) This could be copied and pasted into your small journal
• Plastic bag for dirty or wet clothes
• Pillow (travel size) to fit in your carry on bag
• Telephone credit card (you can buy these at Walmart)
• Toilet paper and pocket sized tissues
• Toiletries
o Bar soap, cosmetics (conservative), feminine personal hygiene (even if it is not time for your cycle), shower cap, shavers (must go in check in bag), shampoo and rinse, toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, flipflops, etc.

• Towel and washcloths (quick drying)
• Umbrella (small, folding)
• Walkman, earplugs
• One set church clothes
• Athletic Shoes