Voronezh Journey

Friday, May 26, 2006

Russian Culture

Timeline: Early Russian History
From legendary warrior Rurik to Ivan the Great

Timeline: Czarist Russia
Ivan the Terrible becomes the first czar of Russia

Timeline: USSR
From the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 to to Gorbachev's glasnost and perestroika

Timeline: Russian Federation
Marked by the dissolution of the USSR and conflict in Chechnya

Timeline: Russian Culture
Part I: Rise of Russia

Timeline: Russian Culture
Part II: Peter's Revolution and Aftermath

Timeline: Russian Culture
Part III: The Golden Age

Timeline: Russian Culture
Part IV: The Soviet Period

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Packing List

1. One medium size bag for personal items. One rolling carry on or back pack.

2. Pack all medicines, undergarments, and two changes of clothes in your carry on luggage.

3. Do not pack anything on your carry on bags that would be a security issue.

4. Do not over pack. You will need to move your luggage a lot. Strive for 44 pounds or less.

5. Make sure you luggage is upright and on wheels. Everything should function well, but the bag does not have to be brand new.

6. Do not bring 110V electrical devices unless you have the correct converter. Even then you will need the proper adapter.

7. Try gallon and 2 gallon size ziplock bags or air tight to make the most of your space. Do not purchase ones that a vacuum is necessary.

8. All liquids and powders should be in ziplock bags.

9. You need to be packed by August 8th

Suggested items to pack
(you may coordinate with your roommate)

• Addresses of friends and relatives
• Airplane tickets (I’ll give you them day of travel)
• Alarm clock (battery or wind up)
• Back Pack
• Plastic shopping bags (strong with handles)
• Bible
• Books/reading material
• Bottled water (one to begin trip and place in backpack)
• Camera (single use work great)
• Clothes (think easy to layer/easy to pack/won’t wrinkle/comfortable/culturally appropriate)
• Clothes fresher (small bottle febreeze)
• Converter/adapter
• Ear plugs
• Family photo album—Small
• Flashlight – small
• Food for snacks (peanut butter, beef jerky, trail mix, granola bars, crackers, dried fruit, protein bars, etc.)
• Gifts for translators and missionaries (postcards, small picture frames, t-shirts/hats, small tokens)
• Hair dryer /curling iron
• Itinerary (this will be copied into your small journal)
• Laundry detergent (small amount in snack size ziplock or small bottle)
• Medicines or Health Needs:
o Antibiotics
o Aspirin/Cold/Pain Medicine
o Band-aids, ointment, vitamins, cold/sinus medication, Kaopectate, etc.
o Eyeglasses (extra), contacts, contact solution, sunglasses
o Mylanta or Pepto bismol
o Prescription Medicine must have YOUR name on it.
o antibiotic ointment
o chapstick
o Sunscreen
o Mosquito/bug repellant

• Mirror (small hand held or on a base)
• Sleep mask
• Map of Country (small one)
• Money belt, pouch, and/or fanny pack)
• Money – US Currency (Clean, new bills in small denominations $5, 10, 20)
• Notepad and Pen/Pencil (This will be the small journal)
• Phrasebook (small) This could be copied and pasted into your small journal
• Plastic bag for dirty or wet clothes
• Pillow (travel size) to fit in your carry on bag
• Telephone credit card (you can buy these at Walmart)
• Toilet paper and pocket sized tissues
• Toiletries
o Bar soap, cosmetics (conservative), feminine personal hygiene (even if it is not time for your cycle), shower cap, shavers (must go in check in bag), shampoo and rinse, toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, flipflops, etc.

• Towel and washcloths (quick drying)
• Umbrella (small, folding)
• Walkman, earplugs
• One set church clothes
• Athletic Shoes

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Map Voronezh to Rossosh

Воронеж = Voronezh

Россошь = Rossosh which means "fork in the river"

We will hire a bus from Voronezh to Rossosh. Both our FBA team and the national youth team will ride the bus together. It is a 3 1/2 hour drive which is long enough for a good nap or to get to know the national team! Don't drink too much water on the bus... the potty is in the woods along the road: -) Better than the gas station. Trust me on this one.

Having a backpack is a very good idea. The rest of the luggage will be stored in the compartments under the bus. You can keep a few snacks, a book, your MP3 player, a pack of kleenex (doubles as toilet paper), handwipes, and a bottle of water with you at all times.

When we get to Rossosh we'll get settled into the hotels and then prepare for ministry activities. More info on the hotel and room assignments to come later.

Voronezh Regional Center

Voronezh Evangelism and Church-Planting Center
Leadership provided by Peter Mireychik

Leadership Training and Church-Planting.

Seminars and training programs for pastors, missionaries, and others interested in ministry are held regularly. More than 50 leaders participated in a series of training seminars about church-planting and church growth. As a result, ten new churches have been planted in this region. In addition, a branch of the "Perspektiva" program, a school for the preparation of youth ministry leaders, has been opened in Voronezh. At the present time, 20 youth ministry leaders are studying in the program.

"School Without Walls."

This new innovative, non-formal educational program designed to recruit, train, and mobilize the Next Generation of Christian leaders, has already served 60 students representing 10 churches in the Voronezh region.

Children and Youth Ministry.

The Voronezh region has experienced growth in the evangelistic camp ministry for children and youth. Local children’s ministry trainer Olga Grudina organizes a series of seminars and training opportunities for teachers and others who work with children. Over a period of seven years more than 2,100 children have participated in 44 summer evangelistic camps.

About the Region

The Voronezh region is located in the fertile plains of the famed “Black Earth” farming region of central Russia. Covering a territory of 52,400 kilometers (slightly smaller than the state of West Virginia), the area has a population of 2,445,700 people. The regional capital, the city of Voronezh, is located in the northern part of the region, along the Voronezh river, about 500 kilometers to the south of Moscow.

Click here to view other Peter Deyneka Russian Ministries/Association for Spiritual Renewal Regional Church Planting and Training Centers

Red Square

History of Red Square & St. Basil's Cathedral

Note: This takes you to another website. To move through the pages of the English version of the site Click "Next." This site includes a very detailed history of Red Square. I encourage you to read it some time before we travel to Russia so the tour of Moscow is more enjoyable.

History of Rossosh

Rossosh has arisen between the 17th and 18th centuries. On January 4, 1923 the large village of Rossosh received city status. The area of city makes 5906 hectares. The population of 64,100 people. In city 19 industrial enterprises, 11 building organizations, 3 enterprises of motor transport, 5 transportation enterprises, 2 communication business, 4 high schools, 3 educational institutions, 3 профес-are located сиональных schools, 14 общеобразова-тельных schools, крае-ведческий a museum, 9 cultural centers, 11 libraries, 2 stadiums, 2 sport centers, a swimming pool, special childrens and youth school of an Olympic reserve, 16 sports halls, 7 medical-профилак-
тических establishments.

The arms of the city of Rossosh.

The arms of the city of Rossosh is an official symbol of the city. The arms of the city of Rossosh is a subject to entering into the State heraldic register of the Russian Federation.
The heraldic description of the arms of the city of Rossoshi says: " In a silver floor azure (blue) raised wavy overturned вилообразный a cross. In клиновидном the emerald (green) termination, the silver edged from above, a gold (yellow) apple with two those leaves ".

The city of Rossosh is located on a place of merge of two rivers, as became the basic idea of the arms of city. Merge of the rivers Black Калитвы and Dry Россоши is reflected blue wavy вилообразным by a cross. Silver in heraldry - a symbol of cleanliness, wisdom, nobleness, the world, взаимосотрудничества. Green color - is a symbol of fertility, calmness, health and eternal updating. The gold apple shows a plenty яблоневых gardens around of city. Gold - a symbol of a crop, riches, durability, greatness, intelligence and an enlightenment. In the arms of city language of heraldic symbols harmoniously reflects natural features and the basic structure of activity of local population.

Current Time & Temperatures

Click this link for the current time in Voronezh

Click this link for the current weather conditions in Moscow

Click this link for the current weather conditions in Voronezh

Click this link for current weather conditions in Rossosh

Celsius and Fahrenheit Conversion

To convert Fahrenheit temperatures into Celsius:

* Begin by subtracting 32 from the Fahrenheit number.
* Divide the answer by 9.
* Then multiply that answer by 5.

Here's an example: Change 95 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius: 95 minus 32 is 63. Then, 63 divided by 9 is 7. Finally, 7 times 5 is 35 degrees Celsius. Time to go to the beach!

To convert Celsius temperatures into Fahrenheit:

* Begin by multiplying the Celsius temperature by 9.
* Divide the answer by 5.
* Now add 32.

Here's an example: Change 20 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit: 20 times 9 is 180. Then 180 divided by 5 is 36. Finally, 36 plus 32 is 68 degrees Fahrenheit. That would be a pretty comfortable outside temperature for taking a walk!!

Map of Russia

We will fly direct from Atlanta to Moscow which is a 10.5 hour flight. We have some apartment flats available to shower, rest, and have dinner. Later in the evening we will take overnight train to Voronezh. It will be an 11-hour train ride.

On the train we will have time to fellowship--play games and music-- and get some rest. Prepare in advance a smaller carrying case with your toiletry items, something conservative but cool for sleepwear, and clothes for Sunday morning worship service. A team will greet us at the train station in Voronezh and take us to the church for breakfast and service.

Later in the day we will hire a bus to take us to Rossosh. More details later.

Wikipedia -- Voronezh

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coat of Arms

Voronezh (Russian: Воро́неж) is a large city in the south of Central Russia, not far from Ukraine. It is located on the Voronezh River, twelve kilometers away from the emptying of Voronezh River into the Don. Voronezh is the administrative center of Voronezh Oblast. It is an important railway junction (lines to Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Kiev), as well as the center of Federal Route M4 "Kavkaz" (Moscow—Rostov-on-Don). Geographical location 51°43′N 39°16′E. Population: 848,752 (2002 Census); 660,000 (1970); 447,000 (1959); 344,000 (1939); 120,000 (1926). The city is divided into six administrative districts: Kominternovsky, Leninsky, Levoberezhny, Sovetsky, Tsentralny, and Zheleznodorozhny.

Voronezh River was for the first time mentioned in Hypatian Codex under 1177; the town was founded in 1585 by tsar Feodor I as a fortress protecting the Russian state from the raids of Crimean and Nogay Tatars. However, settlements had been present here since the Stone Age.

View of Voronezh in the 18th century.

In the 17th century, Voronezh became a considerable commercial and handicraft town. In 1648, an antifeudal insurrection took place in Voronezh. In 1695–1696 Tsar Peter the Great built a dockyard in Voronezh, where Azov fleet was under construction for the Azov campaign. During his reign Voronezh became the largest city of South Russia and administrative centre of the large southern region. Since 1711 Voronezh had been a centre of Azov province, since 1725 - Voronezh province, since 1779 - Voronezh namestnichestvo, since 1824 - Voronezh province. In the 18th–19th centuries Voronezh was a centre of chernozem agricultural region. Manufacturing industry (mills, tallow-melting, butter-making, soap, leather and other works) as well as bread, cattle, suet, hair trade were developing in the town. In XIX century a railway connected Voronezh with Rostov-on-Don (1868) and Moscow (1871).

Now Voronezh is the economical, industrial, cultural and scientific center of the so called Black Earth Region. In the city there are 7 theaters, 12 cinemas, 19 high schools; it is also home to Voronezh State University. The city's large student population includes many foreigners as foreign students in Russia usually take one year of Russian language in Voronezh before moving on to universities elsewhere. This has led in the past to tension between foreign students and the indigenous population.

Old city street in Voronezh

As an industrial centre, Voronezh was integral to the Soviet aircraft construction industry, including the so-called Concordski Tupolev Tu-144.

In 1991-2000, the city high in unemployment became a part of the Communist-voting region known as Russia's Red Belt.

Many famous people were born in Voronezh and not far from it. Among them poets and writers Platonov, Bunin, Koltsov, Nikitin, Marshak, Troepolskii; painters Kramskoi, Ge, Kuprin, the physicist Cherenkov; gymnasts Davydova, Tkachyov; the anarchist Voline, etc.

The Russian poet Osip Mandelstam was exiled to Voronezh after his arrest in 1934 and wrote a series of poems there collected under the title "Voronezh Notebooks".

The famous Russian punk band Sektor Gaza was founded in Voronezh.

Around Voronezh there are a lot of kurgans and other interesting archaeological objects.

Nearby Novovoronezh ("New Voronezh") serves nuclear power plants.

Chertovitskoye airport is nearby, at Latitude/Longitude: 51.81,39.23

On October 9, 1989, an official news agency in the Soviet Union reported the landing of a UFO in Voronezh.