Voronezh Journey

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Restaurant Phrases




Я хочу есть.

I'm hungry.


Я хочу пить.

I'm thirsty.


Что вы посоветуете?

What will you recommend?


Я хотел бы съесть... (male)

I'd like to eat...


Я хотел бы выпить что-нибудь. (male)

I'd like something to drink.


У вас есть национальные блюда?

Do you have any national dishes?


Принесите пожалуйста меню.

Bring the menu, please.




a form of address to a waiter



a typical form of address to a waitress

Я возьму...
   ...блины со сметаной

   ...зелёный салат
   ...салат из крабов
   ...салат из огурцов
   ...салат из помидоров

   ...картофель фри

I'll have...
   ...pancakes with sour cream
   ...lettuce salad
   ...crabmeat salad
   ...cucumber salad
   ...tomato salad
   ...chopped meat in a savoury sauce
   ...beef Stroganoff
   ...french fries


Принисите нам, пожалуйста...

Please, bring us ...

   ...a folk
   ...a spoon
   ...a knife
   ...a plate
   ...a napkin
   ...an ash-tray


Принисите мне...
   ...минеральную воду

I'll have ...
   ... juice
   ... milk
   ... mineral water
   ... kvass


Стакан чая, пожалуйста

A glass of tea, please


Чашку кофе, пожалуйста

A cup of coffee, please


Я хотел бы... (male)

I'd like some...


Я хотела бы.. (female)

I'd like some...


Я могу поменять это?

Can I have this changed?


Этого я не заказывал. (male)

I haven't ordered this.


Мне это не нравится.

I don't like this.


Советую взять...

I recommend ...


Было очень вкусно.

That was delicious.


Больше ничего, спасибо.

Nothing more, thank you.


За ваше здоровье и благополучие!

Health and happiness!

A typical toast when drinking

Приятного аппетита!

Bon appetit!

A typical phrase to say before eating or when serving

Пожалуйста, счёт.

I'd like to pay.


Всё включено?

Is everything included?


Спасибо, это вам.

Thank you, this is for you.


Я хотел бы заказать столик на четверых. (male)

I'd like to reserve a table for four.


Этот столик свободен?

Is this table free?


Мы будем в 8:00.

We'll be at eight o'clock.


Пойдёмте в ресторан (кафе).

Let's go to a restaurant (cafe).




Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Itinerary [Tentative]

Saturday, August 12, 2006

11:00 Meet at FBA

11:30 Load Vans

11:45 Team Meeting [Info packets/tickets, etc]

12:15 Prayer Time

12:30 Departure for airport

1:15 Check in airport

1:45 Lunch at airport

3:00 Boarding

3:45 Departure

Sunday, August 13, 2006

10:30 Arrive in Moscow

10:45 Customs/Passport Control

11:45 Baggage Claim/Load vans

12:00 Leave for Bible League Dorms

12:45 Unload vans

1:15 Lunch at dorms

1:45 Shower and rest

5:00 Possible Bus Tour or ASR Fellowship

8:00 Train to Voronezh

Monday, August 14, 2006

7:00 – Train arrival, go to church

8:00 - Breakfast at church

9:00 – Leave for Rossosh by bus

3:00 - Arrival in Rossosh (lunch served on bus- chicken stuffed with ham and cheese, salad, bread, drinks)

3:00 –5:30 Settle into hotel rooms -- refresh

5:30 – 6:00 Leave for church

6:00 – Dinner at the church -- Introductions -- Voronezh & FBA teams

7:00 – 10:00 Youth program [school court yard]

10:00 – Return to hotel, rest

August 15 - 17, 2006 [Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday]

8:00 Team devotion in hotel

9:00 – Teams meet for joint planning for day’s activities at the church


10.00 - Assembly – meet children

10.30 – Breakfast at church

11:00 – 1:30 Stations (bible lesson, sports, music, crafts, English)

1:30 – 2:00 Dinner at the church

2:00 – 3:00 Games

3:00 – 3:40 Evening dialogue

3:40 – 4:00 Afternoon snack


4:00 – 5:30 Rest at hotel

5:30 Leave for church

6:00 – 7:00 Dinner at church

7:00 – 10:00 Youth program at school court yard

Friday, August 18, 2006

8:00 Team devotion in hotel

9:00 – Teams meet for joint planning for day’s activities at the church


10.00 - Assembly

10:30 - Breakfast

11:00 - Bible lesson

11:40 - farewell to children

12.00 - Lunch at church, departure

6:00 - Arrival in Voronezh, Dinner

7:00 - Excursion across Voronezh, shopping before departure of a train

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Sunday, August 20, 2006

9:30 Depart for Airport

12:30 Flight Departs for Atlanta

4:15 Flight Arrives in Atlanta

4:15 Passport Control

4:45 Customs

5:15 Baggage Claim

5:45 Load Vans

6:30 Arrive at FBA